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Educare Denver Plants Seeds of Health and Hope

July 16, 2024
Updated July 17, 2024

At the heart of Clayton Early Learning is Educare Denver, a beacon of innovation in early childhood education and community support. Among Clayton’s array of initiatives, Seed to Stomach stands out for its profound impact on families. This comprehensive program not only addresses food insecurity but also fosters a lifelong journey toward health and wellness for children and their families.

A Holistic Approach to Health

With the support of Comic Relief and Red Nose Day funding, Clayton has significantly expanded its outreach. The Clayton Cares Market, central to Seed to Stomach, provides families access to a diverse selection of nutritious foods, including fresh produce and essential household items. Beyond distribution, this initiative fosters community and dignity, enabling families to select foods that align with their preferences and needs.

Seed to Stomach transcends mere meal planning; it embodies a philosophy that begins with nurturing young minds and bodies. Clayton’s decades-long expertise in early childhood nutrition forms the bedrock of this initiative, aiming to empower families to live well by eating well and equipping them with the knowledge and resources for daily healthy choices.

Hands-On Learning for Lifelong Health

Education is pivotal to Seed to Stomach. At Clayton’s recently renovated Discovery Garden, children engage in urban horticulture, learning about cultivation and developing a profound respect for nature and the environment. This immersive experience teaches them the journey from seedling to the table, reinforcing early connections between food and health.

The journey continues in Clayton’s award-winning school kitchen, where chefs prepare fresh, nutritious meals daily. These meals not only satiate hunger but also educate young palates, introducing them to wholesome flavors and ingredients. Popular dishes extend beyond the cafeteria, featured prominently in seasonal cooking classes and the cherished “Clayton Cooks” cookbook, bridging home and school kitchens.

Empowering Families Through Engagement

The impact of Seed to Stomach resonates deeply with families like Wendy’s. Wendy, a participant since 2020, passionately shares how the initiative transformed her family’s nutrition approach. Through cooking classes and weekly visits to the Clayton Cares Market, Wendy, alongside her children, Sophia and Cleo, not only enjoy cooking together but also feel empowered by making informed food choices.

“The Market has really supported my family in getting affordable (free) groceries every week.,” Wendy reflects. “It’s also very supportive in allowing us to get ingredients that are culturally appropriate to our culture (rice, milk, eggs, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, peppers, fish and chicken). It’s really helpful to see those things [in the Market].  Other places just have canned food and not much fresh high-quality nutritious food. My experience has been so enjoyable, and we use the market weekly. Before I started work this was my only adult interaction and it was nice to come to a space that is very warm and welcoming. It really helps with being able to put healthy food on the table each week for our family.” 

Looking Ahead

As Seed to Stomach readies its 2024 curriculum launch, the vision expands further. Educators will integrate these principles into daily lessons, ensuring every child learns the foundations of healthy living early on. For families, this means ongoing support and guidance, empowering them to foster lifelong habits promoting wellness.

Educare Denver’s Seed to Stomach initiative epitomizes more than just food—it plants the seeds of health, hope, and community. By nurturing these seeds today, Clayton Early Learning cultivates a brighter, healthier tomorrow for Denver’s children and families.