Educare Chicago

Educare Chicago, created in 2000 as the very first state-of-the-art Educare school, is located on Chicago's South Side and inspired the development of other Educare schools across the country.
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Educare Chicago inspired the development of other Educare schools across the country after it was created in 2000 by Start Early (formerly the Ounce of Prevention Fund). The state-of-the-art school on Chicago’s South Side serves low-income infants, toddlers, preschoolers and their families.
Educare’s research-based program helps children develop the literacy, language, early math and social-emotional skills they need to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Educare teachers and staff also partner with parents to help them become champions for their children’s education and achieve their own education goals. The family center at the school offers resources for parents as well as a library, staffed by parent volunteers, of children’s and adult books.

Quick Facts
- Serves 146 children birth to age five and their families
- Opened in February 2000
- First school in the Educare Network