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Policy and Advocacy at Educare
We are parent leaders, early childhood professionals, researchers, school leaders and community partners who play an active role in policy and advocacy:
- Testifying in the legislature
- Sitting on committees that shape policy
- Building public awareness to ensure the national discourse, policies and budget decisions reflect the necessity of robust supports for all children and families.
We have firsthand experience with the impact of early learning, care and services – and we are acutely aware of the barriers that exist and the need for greater investments to narrow the opportunity gap.
Within our communities and collectively at the national level, we partner with advocacy organizations and early childhood champions to educate policymakers and key influencers on the importance of investing in early childhood. These efforts help to advance critical legislation, funding and administrative regulations related to young children, families, communities and the broader early childhood field.
Discover our policy agenda, The Educare Five: five public policy priorities that inform and guide our efforts.

Parents and caregivers are a powerful force in advocating for the Educare Five and elevating the collective voices and leadership of families.