The Educare Research Agenda on Advancing Racial Equity
Launched in 2023, Educare’s new research agenda guides our collective inquiry to interrogate policies and systems, resulting in transformative learnings for the field and advancing greater equity in access and opportunities.
This agenda strives to understand racial equity by asking and answering questions to better understand, engage and support children, families and ECE leaders & staff of color – including Black, Hispanic/Latine, Asian, American Indian or Alaskan Native and others who have been marginalized (immigrants, refugees) – in ways that center their voices, amplify their strengths and lead to actionable information for practice, program and policy change.
Why Focus on Racial Equity?
As a Network, we’re focused on dismantling systemic and institutional racism and creating a more equitable world where all children can thrive. This kind of research can help better address evidence gaps, advance equity and realize our vision, both within and beyond the Network.
This agenda helps us collaborate in specific ways to accomplish our Network’s strategic priorities through collective research and inquiry, with sample questions organized into four categories of focus:
- Policies & Systems
- Programs & Professionals
- Communities, Families & Children
- Measurement & Data

To learn more about how we’re focusing our research and evaluation efforts to advance racial equity, read the full research agenda
The work has already begun, and we want every early childhood champion to join us! We invite you to read, share, discuss and engage with our new research agenda.
If you’re looking for the Network’s previous research agenda, you can find the executive summary here and the complete agenda here.